Tibb E Nabawi (ﷺ) Islamic Medicine for Skin Disease
Every single female wants their face to glow & get rid of the weird spots which appears on the face. Tib e Nabavi (Saws) has the simple remedy for these spots & anyone can get benefits from this.
For this you will need:
- Figs (angeer)
- Fruit vinegar
Add figs in fruit vinegar & boil this mix until the figs get soft then crush the figs & make a paste like cream & save it a bottle. Apply this mixture twice or thrice a day for about one hour.
Then wash your face with tap water. This cream will help you in vanishing those unnecessary spots from your face within just few days.
Very easy remedy for wrinkles
Wrinkles can be very easily treated if you follow these simple trick according to tib e Nabavi (Saws).
- Barley Wheat (jau ka aata) - 100 grams
- Turmeric powder - 10 grams
- Rose water - Just to make this mixture thick.
Mix these two dry item together then add rose water to it & make a paste of it. Apply it on the wrinkles twice a day. You will soon get exciting results in few days.