Abyssinian Christians & Beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Abyssinian Christians and Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Abyssinian Christians and Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Abyssinian Christians and Beloved Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh)

We would never know who is more beloved in this world in the sacred court of Allah ﷻ. We might judge others by their looks, financial statuses, religious ideologies etc., but something might click, and Allah grants them His special love.

Such was the case with those Abyssinian Christians who’d come to Makkah to know about the Prophet ﷺ and Muslims during the advent of the Islamic propagation by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. 

Ibn Is’haq writes that a group of 20 Abyssinian Christians came to Makkah to know about Islam, and update their people about it back home. When they reached the city of Kaba, they swiftly went to meet Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to know from him the then newly revealed religion (Islam). 

They spoke, questioned and discussed with the Prophet ﷺ few issues and topics. Subsequently, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ responded to all of their queries beautifully, and then recited few verses of the Holy Qur’an, which softened their hearts to such a great extent that they all accepted Islam.

The pagan leaders of the Quraish were nearby. They all were watching the proceedings of the meeting, and when they learnt that the Abyssinians accepted Islam, they went furious. Abu Jahl couldn’t handle it. He came to the group and said in frustration: “I haven’t seen fools like you. You were sent by your people to know about this new religion and report back, but in turn, you all accepted Islam in the very first meeting with Muhammed (ﷺ)?”

They responded and said: “Abu Jahl! We haven’t had any enmity with you. Everyone knows his situation well. You follow your religion, and we’ll follow ours (Islam). We don’t have any hurt feelings for you.”

In response to this reply by the Abyssinians, Allah the almighty revealed the following verses of Surah Qasas: _“And when the Quran is recited to them they say: ‘We believe in it; verily it is the truth from our Lord. In fact, we had become Muslims even before this._

_It is these people who’s be given reward twice because they remained steadfast and fended off evil with good, and spent in Our way out of the bounty which We gave them._

_And when they hear anything absurd, they turn away from it and say: “For us are our deeds, and for you yours.” Peace be with you. We don’t want (to adopt the mentality of the) ignorant.”_

_The truth is that you cannot bring anyone on the path of guidance. Instead, guidance comes to those whom Allah pleases. And He knows best those who find the path of guidance._

Surah Qasas, verses 53 to 56

1. Guidance comes from Allah.
2. Prophet Muhammed ﷺ had such a charismatic personality and recitation skills for the Qur’an which changed people’s minds and thinking.
3. Don’t be harsh with those who do bad to you.
4. Best strategy to get rid of the evil doers: don’t involve in an argumentation, cut the conversation saying Salam.
5. Steadfastness on Islam brings Allah’s blessings.

*What is your say on this note? Email us the same to* seerahofrasoolullah@gmail.com

*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*

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