The best ways to spend time during Rabi ul Awal 2022

The best ways to spend time during Rabi ul Awal

Glad tidings be to those who will spend this month of Rabi ul Awal in strengthening their ties with Allah and sending innumerable salutations upon the beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

The best ways to spend time during Rabi ul Awal

The best ways to spend time during Rabi ul Awal are as below:

1. We must recite Qur’an as much as possible, both individually and in groups. The blessings of the recitation can then be offered to the sacred soul of the Noble Prophet ﷺ. 

2. Prophet Muhammed ﷺ declared Salah as an aspect of relief for his eyes. Hence, we must never miss it, neither in the month of Meelad, nor in any part of the year.

3. We must organize Seerah gatherings in every house. The sacred life of the best of the creation ﷺ must be read, spoken, and listened to.

4. We must read and relate the major incidents of the Prophet’s ﷺ life, and offer as gifts the books of Seerah to our children, relatives, neighbors and friends.

5. We must organize Seerah related speech contests and quizzes for children.

6. We must make arrangements to clean our houses, and organize cleaning programs for our neighborhood and greater vicinity.

7. We must recite Durood in abundance.

8. We must express our joy for Mawlid without transgressing the boundaries of Shariah.

9. We can decorate our houses with lighting and other beautifications, without involving into wastefulness.

10. Subject to affordability, we can organize food drives, considering the poor and the needy.

Join us to know more about Prophet Muhammed’s ﷺ teachings and character: 

*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*

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