Prophet Muhammed’s (ﷺ) Beaming Smile & Incomparable Character

Prophet Muhammed’s (ﷺ) Beaming Smile & Incomparable Character

Prophet Muhammed’s (ﷺ) Beaming Smile & Incomparable Character

Beloved Prophet Muhammed’s (Pbuh) Beaming Smile & Incomparable Character

You might already know that Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) said that smiling while meeting a person is also a form of charity. (1) Above this, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ further motivated people so beautifully to perform this goodness, that you might feel so relaxed just by reading it. He ﷺ said: “You will be unable to support everyone financially, so at least include them in your smile and a good behavior.” (2)

Not just a mere theory, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ always practiced what he preached. Once, the companion of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ named Sayyiduna Jabir bin Abdullah ؓ said: “The Prophet ﷺ never stopped me from visiting him, not even once since I embraced Islam. He in fact smiled at me whenever he saw me.” (3)

Talking about the social activities which the Prophet ﷺ used to get involved in, Sayyiduna Jabir bin Samurah ؓ once said: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to remain in his place (of prayer) after Fajr, till sunrise. When he would leave, he would often pass by his companions who would tell him ﷺ about the happenings in their lives. But when the companions ؓ laughed, the Prophet ﷺ would smile. (4)

Moreover, any person’s actual character is known by his family members, and nobody other than spouses can be a closest witness to it. Do you know what Sayyida Ayesha ؓ the noble wife of the Prophet ﷺ said about him? She said: “Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was the softest (at heart and character) among men, and even more generous, smiling, and laughing.” (5) She also said: “I have never seen any men more smiling than the Prophet ﷺ (6)

Many men are all smiles, and enjoy laughter with their friends and relatives, but remain the cruelest and stone-faced towards their wives. But above is the statement of one of the respected wives of our beloved ﷺ. 

1. Sahih Tirmidhi 
2. Mustadrak by Imam Haakim
3. Sahih Bukhari
4. Anwaar fi Shamail al-Mukhtar by Imam Baghawi
5. Sahih Bukhari
6. Sahih Tirmidhi

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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*

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