How Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) Lived & Defined Friendship

How Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) Lived & Defined Friendship

Unlike us today, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ never expected any social, monetary or any other benefit from his friends. He was more than a genuine friend. Those who had him as a friend had the truest friend someone can ever imagine. Few of the Prophet’s ﷺ qualities as a friend are as below:

*_Paying visits to ailing friends:_* It was common for our dearest Prophet ﷺ to visit those who fell sick, including his friends. It is recorded in the books of hadiths that he visited Hadrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas when he fell sick. In a different occasion, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ visited Saad bin Ubadah when he fell ill, bringing him date palms and supplicating for his health. _(Ref: Kitab al-Amali by Imam Jurjani)_

If that was how Prophet Muhammed ﷺ dealt with his ailing friends, imagine what would have been his state of mind when his friends passed away in front of him. One of such emotional incidents took place when Sayyiduna Uthman bin Mazun, one of the friends of the Prophet ﷺ, and one of the earliest to accept Islam, fell sick and subsequently passed away. The Noble Prophet ﷺ sat by his side when he breathed his last. When Sayyiduna Uthman bin Mazun passed away, the Prophet kissed his forehead with tearful eyes. _(Ref: Sahih Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majjah)_ 

Not just that , when they had buried Sayyiduna Uthman bin Mazun, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ asked someone to bring a stone to mark his grave. But the person who went to bring the stone couldn’t lift it, so the King of kings ﷺ went there himself, rolled up his sleeves and helped the person bring the stone, placed it on the on the upper side of Sayyiduna Uthman’s gave and said: “I have done it so that I could know where my brother is buried.” _(Ref: Abu Dawud, Ibn Majjah)_

*_Being kind towards friends:_* We all know that Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was a successful merchant before he declared his prophethood. However, before his declaration, he had a business partner called Saaib bin Abi Saaib, about whom Prophet Muhammed ﷺ is supposed to have praised his decision making skills, and also said that being a businessman, he never argued with his partner. So, when Makkah was liberated, Sayyiduna Saaib had accepted Islam and had come to meet the Prophet ﷺ. Having seen him, the greatest of all friends ﷺ said: “Welcome my brother and partner who never argues and meddles in any issue.” _(Usd al-Ghabah by Imam Jazari)_

*_True friendship with the Ansaar of Madinah:_* When Makkah was conquered, it was 8 years since the Noble Prophet’s ﷺ migration to Madinah. The Ansaar were so much in love with Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and Islam, that they could never imagine living without the Prophet ﷺ. After the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet ﷺ stationed there for a few days, but the Ansaar started thinking that the Prophet ﷺ might relocate back to Makkah – the city of his birth, and the place which he loved dearly. One day they all started talking on this matter, and shared their apprehension with each other. Remember that the Ansar supported the Makkan Muslims financially, morally, socially, materially, politically and in all ways ever possible. Anyway, when Prophet Muhammed ﷺ saw them discuss, he enquired about it. They all said with discomfort: “Nothing, nothing, Ya Rasoolallah ﷺ!” But when the Prophet ﷺ insisted they said it all, to which the Holy Prophet ﷺ said: “May Allah save me from that. I will live with you, and I will die with you! _(Seerah by Ibn Hisham)_

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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*

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