Graciousness of Beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Graciousness of Beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Graciousness of Beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Extraordinarily down to earth behavior:

Kharja bin Zaid narrates that few people came to his father Sayyiduna Zaid bin Thabit [ra] (the brother of Sayyiduna Hassaan bin Thaabit [ra]) and asked him to say something about the Prophet ﷺ. He mentioned that he was the neighbor of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, and whenever the Quran descended on the Prophet ﷺ, he was called by the holy Messenger ﷺ. He used to go and write the Quranic verses. 

Apart from that, Sayyiduna Zaid bin Thabit (ra) said that if anyone spoke anything related to this world, the Prophet ﷺ used to interact with them on it, just like he ﷺ used to involve in discussions on the hereafter. If people used to talk to him anything related to food, he used to take part in such talks as well (this means the Prophet ﷺ was so reachable, interactive, open minded and amiable that everybody felt comfortable of talking to him about anything – and the Prophet ﷺ didn’t just restrict his discussions to worship, though his discussion on generic topics too were the most decent ones).

Sayyiduna Anas (ra) narrates that whenever any slave, destitute or a little boy used to ask Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to bring water, he ﷺ used to do so in humility, and also washed their face and hands. If anyone used to talk to Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, he listened to them carefully until he completed. If anybody wished to shake hands with him, he was always ready to do so and didn’t use to leave the person’s hands (in a hurry or as a sigh of looking down a person) until the person himself didn’t leave his sacred hands.

*_Exceptional behavior with spouse:_*

Sayyida Ayesha narrates that Prophet Muhammed ﷺ never hit a woman or a man. Additionally we see that he ﷺ was polite, friendly & kind towards the mothers of believers.

*Politeness toward workers:*

Sayyiduna Anas bin Maalik narrates that he served Prophet Muhammed ﷺ for many years and never did the Prophet ﷺ beat, swore, scolded or became upset with him. Sayyiduna Anas (ra) carries on and says that if anyone scolded him for not doing his work, the Prophet ﷺ used to say: “Leave him! If he was destined to do it, he would have definitely done it.”

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