The Most Unique & Effective Communication & Speech of Prophet Muhammed’s (ﷺ)

The Most Unique & Effective Communication & Speech of Prophet Muhammed’s (ﷺ)

Prophet Muhammed’s ﷺ Speech - The Most Effective Communication

Prophet Muhammed’s (Pbuh) Speech - The Most Effective Communication

The way of communication by Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was unique and understandable to all.

*Crystal clarity:* Narrated by Sayyida Ayesha ؓ who said: “The messenger of Allahﷺ would not draw out his speech as you all do. He would speak clearly and lucidly and would space out his words. Anyone who sat with him would remember what he had said.” 

The commentators of Hadees say that another reason the companions remembered exactly what the Prophet of Islam ﷺ said is because each person’s speech is covered with the garment of the heart from which it came, and there is no light comparable to the light of the Prophet of Allah ﷺ, there is no speech which matches his in adornment, beauty, majesty and perfection. For this reason it captured hearts and intellects, causing them both to submit with a convincing heart.

*Precision by repetition:* Sayyiduna Anas bin Mālik ؓ said: “The Prophet of Allah ﷺ would repeat a word three times so that he could be understood.” 

This is one of the major ways of bringing about clarity in communicating information, which is usually taught in the corporate world as well. Prophet Muhammed ﷺ repeated thrice to:
A. Make sure that listeners understood what he said.
B. To emphasise a particular word which was extremely important in the sentence.
C. Turn sure everyone heard what he said.

*A detailed account:* Narrated by Sayyiduna Hasan bin Ali ؓ: “I asked my maternal uncle Hind bin Abi Hala ؓ (about Prophet Muhammed’s speech/way of communication) and he said: ‘The Prophet ﷺ would begin and end his speech by mentioning the name of Allah the Almighty. His speech was compendious (less number of words with more meaning) and his words were distinguished; they were neither too much nor too few. He was neither coarse nor demeaning. He would gesture with his hand while speaking, and strike the inside of his left thumb with his right palm. (When he interacted) his laughter was mostly smiles, and when he would laugh, it was as though something like hailstones appeared.’” _SubhanAllah!_

*References:* Shamail Muhammadiyyah ﷺ by Imam Tirmidhi ؒ, hadith numbers 223, 224, 225

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