Respect for Women in Islam

Respect for Women in Islam

For his noble wife Sayyida Khadija ؓ, just before her passing away, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ said: “Khadija, even if you asked me for my skin, I would’ve given it to you.” 

For his daughter Sayyida Fatima Zahra ؓ, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ not just used to stand to welcome her in his house, lay his shawl for her to sit, but also used to say: “Fatima is a part of me.”

For his mother Sayyida Aamina ؓ, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ cried so profusely while visiting her grave in Abwa, seeing which all the companions ؓ present with him cried along. He ﷺ said that heaven lies beneath a mother’s feet. Sensing mothers’ pain when children cried during prayers, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ shortened the congregational prayers.

For his (cousin) sister Ummi Haanee ؓ Prophet Muhammed ﷺ said during the Conquest of Makkah: “Whoever you have given a refuge, we have given a refuge.” Whoever is your friend is our friend.

For his foster mothers Ummi Ayman ؓ Prophet Muhammed ﷺ used to do her personal chores when she instructed him; for Sayyida Haleema Sadiyah ؓ, he used to welcome her warmly and lay his shawl for her to sit.

When he came to know that an old lady who used to put dirt on him ﷺ everyday, he went to inquire her health. 

For a maid who unwillingly destroyed her goods in the market, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ gave away all the money he had so that she could buy her grocery and wouldn’t be beaten by her master. For this purpose, he ﷺ even went with her to her house to ensure she’s not misbehaved with, only to see the master setting her free.

These are the practical teachings of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ on respecting women. O Muslim women in Islam! This shows how blessed, respectable and great you are in the eyes of Allah ﷻ and Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. It’s you who’ve given birth to saints and saintly, generals and commanders, leaders and dignitaries, in Islam, and for Islam. It’s you who brought them up for the cause of Islam. Remember that Islam doesn’t suppress you. And never forget your role in Islam!

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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*

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