Prophet Muhammed ﷺ - The Guardian of His Guardian

Prophet Muhammed ﷺ - The Guardian of His Guardian

Prophet Muhammed ﷺ - The Guardian of His Guardian

Beloved Prophet Muhammed ﷺ - The Guardian of His Guardian

Ever wondered why Prophet Muhammed ﷺ took to shepherdship at a very tender age? The Islamic scholars reason that it was because of his uncle Abu Talib's financial condition which prompted the noble and the most kind-hearted - Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to take up this profession, while he was under the guardianship of the former. 

Not just that, when Prophet Muhammed ﷺ grew and took up selling merchandise as his business, we all know that he profited a lot; left many people his admirers basis his innate honesty and truthfulness in business dealings. We also know that Sayyida Khadija (ra) was his employer at many occasions, and when her slave Maysarah reported her of Prophet Muhammed's ﷺ integrity and honesty while dealing with people in business matters, which paved the way to manifold profits to her business, she too doubled the share which she decided to give the noblest Messenger ﷺ. 

According to Ibn Sa'ad, Prophet Muhammed's ﷺ share to that business travel for Sayyida Khadija (ra) was 4 camels, which eventually doubled as 8 camels for the stupendous overall business outcome, and the innate qualities which she saw in the Prophet ﷺ.

What did Prophet Muhammed ﷺ do of these 8 camels? Camel back then, the vehicle of the desert, was like a car in our times. The guardian of the guardians ﷺ, as per few Islamic scholars and prophetic biographers like Muhammad Saadullah feel that the Prophet ﷺ must have given away all the 8 camels to his uncle Abu Talib, whose care and supervision he was under, and who hesitantly let his dearest nephew ﷺ go to Syria, despite knowing the dangers which posed the Prophet ﷺ from the Jewish elements. 

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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*

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