Sayyida Fatima (Ra) Zahra – 40 Hadiths On Her Attributes

Sayyida Fatima tuz Zahra (Ra) – 40 Hadiths On Her Attributes

Genre: Aslaf (Our Predecessors)

Peace be upon You

Sayyida Fatima tuz Zahra (Ra) qualities seerah

The queen of the Heavens Sayyida Fatima Zahra (ra) was born on the 20th of Jamadi al-Akhir. Below are the hadiths with references on her and her family’s attributes.

Sayyida Fatima tuz Zahra (Ra) – 40 Hadiths On Her Attributes

Sayyida Fatima (Ra) Zahra – 40 Hadiths On Her Attributes

1. The beloved Prophet ﷺ said that Fatima is a part of his/a morsel of him. (Narrated by all the 6 Imams of Sihah Sittah, and many other eminent scholars of Hadith)

2. The family of Sayyida Fatima (ra) are the people of Kisa. (Sahih Muslim & many others)

3. The family of Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the Ahl al-Bayt - household of beloved Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. (Sahih Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad, Bukhari in al-Kunaa, Musannaf Ibn abi Shayba and many others)

4. Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the leader of all faithful women. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Musnad Ahmad and many others)

5. Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the leader of all women of the human world. (Nisai in Sunan al-Kubra, Hakim in Mustadrak and many others)

6. Sayyida Fatima (ra) will be the leader of all women in Paradise. (Sahih Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad and many others)

7. Allah has forbidden hellfire for Sayyida Fatima (ra) and her children. (Tabrani, Haythami)

8. The Prophet ﷺ said: Fatima! My mother and my father be sacrificed for you. (Haakim & Ibn Hibban)

9. Sayyida Fatima (ra) is an integral part of the Prophet ﷺ ’s soul. (Bukhari & Muslim)

10. The beloved Prophet ﷺ used to stand up for Fatima (ra), used to kiss her forehead, and make her sit at his own place. (Nasai, Ibn Hibban, Shaybani, Tabrani) 

11. The holy Prophet ﷺ used to spread his mantle for Sayyida Fatima (ra). (Tabrani & Haythami)

12. Any journey of the holy Prophet ﷺ used to start and end at Sayyida Fatima (ra)’s house. (Musnad Ahmad, Abu Dawood)

13. Sayyida Fatima (ra) was the center of love for the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Tirmidhi, Hakim, Tabrani)

14. Sayyida Fatima (ra) resembled Prophet Muhammed ﷺ the most. (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Sa’ad also narrated with different words)

15. The pleasure of Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the pleasure of the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Musnad Ahmad, Mustadrak of Haakim)

16. Whoever angers Sayyida Fatima (ra) angers the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Bukhari & Muslim)

17. The pleasure of Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the pleasure of Allah, and her anger is the Anger of Allah. (Haakim, Abu Yala, Tabrani)

18. Whoever hurts Sayyida Fatima (ra), hurts the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Muslim & Nasai)

19. The enemy of Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the enemy of the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Tirmidhi & Ibn Majjah)

20. The enemy of the family of Sayyida Fatima (ra) is a hypocrite, cursed, and bound for hell. (Multiple Ahadith by Ahmad, Muhibb Tabari, Ibn Abi Shayba, Tabrani, Haythami, Hakim, Ibn Hibban)

21. Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the beholder of the secret of Allah’s Messenger. (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majjah, Nasai)

22. Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the fruit bearing branch of the Holy Prophet ﷺ ’s personality. (Musnad Ahmad, Tabrani, al-Dhahabi, Haythami)

23. Prophet Muhammed ﷺ himself is a witness of Sayyida Fatima (ra)’s purity. (Musnad Bazzar, Abu Nuaim, al-Dhahabi)

24. The marriage of Sayyida Fatima (ra) to Sayyiduna Ali was a divine commandment. (Tabrani, Ibn Jawzi, Haythami, Kanzul Ummal)

25. Sayyida Fatima (ra)’s marriage in the upper heavens was participated by forty thousand angels. (Muhib Tabari)

26. The mother of Sayyida Fatima (ra) (Sayyida Khadija) is the best of all women. (Musnad Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abu Yala, Ibn Abdul Barr, Dhahabi)

27. Prophet Muhammed ﷺ made special supplications for Sayyida Fatima (ra) and her descendants. (Ahmad bin Hambal in Fadail Sahaba, Ibn Hibban, Tabrani, Ibn Jawzi)

28. Sayyida Fatima (ra)’s sons are the inheritors of the Prophet ﷺ attributes. (Tabrani, Shaybani, Haythami)

29. The children of Sayyida Fatima (ra) are the children of the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Tabrani, Abu Yala, Daylami, Haythami, al-Mizzi)

30. Sayyida Fatima (ra) was the first to meet the holy Prophet ﷺ from his family, after his passing. (Bukhari, Muslim, Musnad Ahmad, Nisai, Ibn Hibba)

31. Sayyida Fatima (ra) was aware of her own time of passing away. (Fadail Sahaba by Ahmad bin Hambal, Dulabi, Ibn al-Athir, Haythami)

32. On the day of judgement everyone will lower their gaze on the arrival of Sayyida Fatima (ra). (Haakim, Muhibb Tabari)

33. Sayyida Fatima (ra) will cross the bridge (al-Siraat) while being surrounded by seventy thousand Hor al-Ain. (Muhibb al-Tabari, Ibn Jawzi, Kanzul Ummaal, Haythami)

34. On the day of Qiyamah, Sayyida Fatima (ra) will travel on the noble Prophet ﷺ ’s carriage – the she-camel named Adbaa. (Ibn Asakir)

35. Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the handhold of the scale in which every human’s deeds will be measured. (Daylami)

36. Sayyida Fatima (ra) and her children will be the first to enter Paradise with the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Haakim, Ibn Asakir, Muhibb Tabari, al-Hindi, Haythami)

37. On the Day of Judgement, Sayyida Fatima (ra) will be stationed with the holy Prophet ﷺ, in a white dome, under the Throne of Allah (al-Arsh). (Ibn Asakir, al-Hindi)

38. The sacred five: the beloved Prophet ﷺ, Sayyida Fatima, Sayyiduna Ali, Sayyiduna Hasan and Sayyiduna Husain (Allah is pleased with them), will stay together on the Day of Judgement. (Musnad by Ahmad Hambal, al-Bazzar, al-Shaybani, Ibn Kathir)

39. Sayyida Aisha said that (Sayyida) Fatima is the most superior personality after the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Tabrani, Haythami, Shawkani)

40. Sayyiduna Umar bin al-Khattab said that Sayyida Fatima (ra) is the most beloved personality to him after the holy Prophet ﷺ. (Haakim, Ibn Abi Shayba, Fadail Sahaba by Ahmad bin Hambal, Khateeb Baghdadi)

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